Cori Scherer

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Fall Nighttime Skincare Routine

There's something so dang relaxing and euphoric about lighting a candle, plugging in

my oil diffuser

, taking off my makeup and getting into my skincare routine.

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I used to get made fun of all the time by my friends for having so many steps in my skincare routine.  It takes me a solid 5-10 minutes to go through my entire routine and get into bed, and trust me, I have zero shame in that.  Those 5-10 minutes are my me time and should have me moisturized and youthful for years to come.  So, come at me then!

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I've gone from trying every product on the market that I saw in a magazine, on YouTube, in another skincare routine, etc. to finding a routine that finally works for me.  Literally, my bathroom cabinet looked like Walgreens for a while.  I'd hop from cleanser to cleanser, use way too many products, and would send my skin into oblivion.

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I'm finally content with having a simplified routine.  Simple really


 better, especially when it comes to our skincare.  Find what works for you, stick with it, and only change it up when necessary.

I pretty much stick to the basics (obviously with a few bells and whistles because I don't think I'll ever


be just a little extra with my skincare), but I also make sure not to neglect my body when doing my skincare routine.

Moisturizing from head to toe is


, and I've always been a fan of a good oil.

I've talked a lot about

my travels from this past summer

, but what I haven't yet mentioned is that my skin went completely crazy towards the beginning of my trip.  I was gallivanting through Israel in Greece in a bikini and had a crazy sun rash appear right as the trip started.

I know, the word "rash" gives me the goosebumps and sounds nasty, but it is what it is.  I'll always keep it real, and I'm sharing this because at the end of the day, it's a damn rash.  There are way bigger problems, but believe me when I saw this rash thew me for a loop when I thought I was going to be a smooth bronzed goddess for a month.

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I started using

Bio Oil

as soon as I returned home from vacation, and I religiously used it twice a day.  I had used it years ago for stretch marks, but I fell back in love when I needed it to do its work on my stomach.

The rash left some weird scarring, and

Bio Oil

did wonders for fading the marks and making my overall skin tone look more even.

I've been using it as much as I can around my thighs and booty for stretch marks too because hey, growing a booty comes with the marks.

I wish I could buy Bio Oil a drink because it's done so much for me.  Seriously - My confidence was whack when the rash popped up, and I wasn't loving running around in a bikini.

I'm so happy with the results I've gotten and recommend it to everyone I talk to.  Scars, stretch marks, uneven skin has you covered.

I talk about a few ways I use

Bio Oil

and share my entire nighttime skincare routine in my YouTube video.  Go watch to see what products I've been loyal to (including my all-time

favorite toner

that's changed my pores).

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Thank you to Bio Oil for sponsoring this post.  I love this brand so much,  I've been blabbing about it even before a collaboration!  
