Beautiful Things at Central Market

I could go on for days about how much I love Central Market.  If you're from Houston, chances are you know about it or frequent this heaven.  I can be spotted there at least once a week to grab my essentials, a sandwich, a smoothie, or some dark chocolate-covered caramels.

Where to Buy Roses in Houston

Central Market Wine

To end the week on a good, rosy note, here are some photos taken this week in Central Market, featuring items I often overlook.  I'm always amazed by the floral arrangements here, and I really need to start picking some up to refresh and brighten my space.

Central Market Houston Macarons

And those macarons (said in Jack Black's voice from "The Holiday")...they're just so damn cute.  I'm obviously a dessert fiend, but I like to marvel over the gorgeous assortment rather than buying a bunch -- I'm not one to justify spending $1.25 on a couple bites.  OK, maybe sometimes.

Roses at Central Market